Heavy Horns

a MxM Romance with Drama and a Diverse Cast

Guy meets guy, but it isn't love at first sight. Just how will Andreas ever get along with the enthusiastic Beau remains to be seen in this unromantic romance.

18+ for graphic sexual scenes

Heavy Horns webcomic cover featuring love interest Beau, a man with ginger hair and beard pushing main character Andreas a man with bull horns against a wall.

Heavy Horns can be read for free on Tapas and Webtoons.

paperback cover of Heavy Horns featuring Andreas from the back, his undercut hair, bull horns, and bull tag earring prominent.

The full UNCENSORED series is also available to purchase as a PDF. It includes 18+ bonus content as well.

a photograph of the paperback
photograph of interior comic pages

Get Heavy Horns UNCENSORED in Paperback